Abdul's Cubicle
13 min readMay 4, 2021

How to build Affiliate marketing website in 2021 like a pro

There are so many ways you can do affiliate marketing but building a website specifically for it is one of the best and cheapest means.

P.S Several people starting affiliate marketing with website considered Bluehost the cheapest and easiest for purchase of domain name and website hosting.

So what is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is simply a way to earn money from another company or individual by promoting their products or services online. You earn a reward for sending a new customer to a company.

Making money while you sleep is the dream for most digital marketers. When done properly, affiliate marketing lets you generate the holy grail of financial independence: passive income. Affiliate marketing is considered passive because you can literally earn money just by adding an affiliate link to your site. Readers can click links 24/7 without your input.

As a smart marketer, if you are really intrested in making money while sleeping, you should consider doing your affiliate marketing through a website because; your affiliate marketing website will do the heavy lifting for you, unlike other approaches that require you to keep constant track of buyers activities.

Moreso, Those without financial power should consider creating a site for their affiliate marketing and if you follow the steps I’m about to show you, in less than 3 hours, you can set up your website, publish commission-related content and start making money.

That said, you won’t earn anything if you can’t attract readers to your site. This enterprise requires some effort.

Pay attention as I’m about to show you the steps you follow:


A niche is simply an area of your specialty or something you do. When picking a niche, there are things you have to consider — — is it profitable, is it my area of interest, is it maneuverable? Moreso, you need to do extensive research if the need arises to study who are the competitors in the niche you choose. Examples of the niches are;

Beauty Niche

This sector may be one of the biggest and profitable niches for affiliate marketing. It is forecasted to reach a value of $863bn globally by the year 2024. The beauty industry has huge potential. Everybody wants to look fresh and captivating.

Dating and Relationship Niche

The dating and Relationship niche is also another big industry you can look into. It will remain an evergreen industry because, day in and out, people are looking for ways to build broken relationships and attract favorite partners. Several products are being created in this niche and you can help the vendor promote them on your website and earn a commission.

Pet Niche

Virtually everybody likes having a pet, be it a dog, cat or even wild animals like snakes, lions, etc. There are several products created in this niche to either solve problems encountered by pet owners. If you are a pet enthusiast, you can pick this niche and start promoting products for their vendors.

Self-improvement niche

The self-improvement niche shouldn’t be overlooked because there are people who make new resolutions each and every day. For example, some people find it difficult to realize their dreams or fulfill their ambitions because of a psychological trauma — You can promote products related to this niche and make your money

Gadget and Technology niche

So many gadgets are produced on daily basis and you can help the promote products here and make a big commission

There are so many niches you can always pick from, but just ensure it’s either of interest to you, profitable and make sure you conduct research. Now let’s go to the next step where you register for affiliate products you can promote.


There are so many platforms where affiliate marketers can register to promote their products. Although some websites require the marketer to pay some amount for registration, while others allow free registration. For example, if you are into the SAAS product niche, you can register under Jvzoo, or Warrior plus earn commissions on each product you promote for them. If you are into Web hosting service, for instance, you can register for the Bluehost affiliate program and promote their product on your website to make money.


Many people building affiliate marketing sites think of a domain name as a random name for their website, But it’s so much more than that. A Domain name is the address of a website that people type into the URL bar of their browser when they want to visit a site.

In choosing a domain name there is a number of key factors you should consider when brainstorming domain name ideas for your affiliate marketing site. Below is a quick rundown of tips to following selecting a good domain name.

Use a Domain Name Generator

Domain name generator helps to generate a potential domain name. You keep filtering until you have a name that fits your project.

Lean Domain Search is a domain name generator that provides various registrable names. All you just need to do is to type in a keyword that you would like to include in your domain, and Lean Domain Search will match it with other relevant words that could potentially become your new domain

Choose a brandable name

Your domain name represents your identity what you promote. So you will do yourself a big favor by putting simplicity, novelty, and memorability first when coming up with one. Avoid inserting hyphens, numbers, or anything else that makes it sound unnatural and complicated. Example of a memorable domain name is medium.com, pepsicola.com, etc.

It should be pronounceable

Avoid using a domain name that is not easy to pronounce and memorable enough to remember. This will drive visitors away from your affiliate website quickly. For example; asdflelkdjr.com might be hard to pronounce and remembered by visitors

Be sensible to keywords

The key benefit and relevance attached to inserting some SEO keywords to your website are that, whenever someone searches for something related to your niche, your website pops up. Having some keywords in your domain name can help in making your website look more authoritative. For example, if you are into selling sporting items, you can have a website like sportnow.com

Avoid infringement

Avoid using existing names as your domain names. Do not use household names or something similar to existing names, you may be sued and forced to give up the domain. You can go on Bluehost to check which names are available to protect yourself from trouble. Bluehost is easy to navigate and it helps you to choose



Bluehost is a well-known budget hosting provider that offers affordable hosting packages as well as domain names. A real benefit of Bluehost hosting is that it offers a free domain name with all of its hosting plans, for the first year of your hosting subscription. Hosting options include shared hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS, and Dedicated hosting. All plans also include an SSL certificate, as well as 24/7 support.

Equally, you can purchase a domain name independently through Bluehost, without opting into one of the hosting packages. All domain names purchased through Bluehost come with…

  • Auto-Renew
  • Domain Lock (to prevent unauthorized transfers)

Let’s now find out how to set up a hosting account with Bluehost and qualify for a free domain…

How to Register a Domain Name for Free with Bluehost

Step 1: Select a hosting package from Bluehost. Both Shared and WordPress managed hosting starts from just $2.95 a month.

Once you have made a decision on your new hosting plan, click Select.

Step 2: You will now be asked to Create a New Domain. To do so, simply type your chosen domain name into the search function and choose the domain extension you would like to use.

Bluehost will now confirm if your domain name is available. And if it isn’t, it will offer a list of alternatives.

Step 3: Next, you will be asked to create your account. This can be done by signing in with Google, or by manually filling out the information. Here you will also need to choose a term length for your hosting package. As you can see below, if you want the discount prices that Bluehost advertises, you will need to sign up for a three-year subscription.

Step 4: By default, Bluehost will include a number of premium extra features in your hosting plan.

These ‘extras’ include…

  • Domain Privacy Protection ($11.88 a year)
  • SiteLock Security ($1.99 a month)
  • Codeguard Basic ($2.99 a month)

Decide if you want to opt in to these services, and if not, make sure you de-select them.

Step 5: Enter your payment details and select Submit.

Bluehost will now set up your hosting plan and new domain name.

Bluehost Pricing

Bluehost only offers a free domain for the first year of your hosting contract. Let’s see what you can expect to pay after that…

  • .com — $8.99 a year
  • .org — $8.99 a year
  • .net — $12.99 a year
  • .tech — $4.99 a year
  • .website — $1.99 a year

Evidently, Bluehost is a good hosting provider to choose if you are looking to register a domain name for free. Let’s now check out some other hosting providers to find out what service they provide in the way of domain names…

Visit BLUEHOST.com


There are many hosting companies out there, but for a WordPress site, Bluehost should definitely be at the top of anyone’s list. Bluehost is recommended by WordPress for website hosting and has been for more than 10 years.

To set up your hosting account with Bluehost, follow the steps below. It will speed up the process to think of a domain name you want to use and to have your credit card for payment ready to go before you get started.

Set Up Your Hosting Account

To get started, go to Bluehost’s home page and click “Get Started.”

Next, you need to choose a domain name for your site. If you already own a domain name, you can enter it here, and you will just have to go through a few extra steps to make sure you get your DNS pointed to Bluehost. If you don’t already have a domain name, you can purchase one right in the signup process, and the best part is, it comes free with your new managed WordPress hosting account purchase.

Once you’ve entered a domain name, you’ll fill in your personal information.

Then, you’ll choose the hosting package of your choice. Normal, shared hosting is priced at 12, 24, and 36-month terms. To help save you money, the longer term you purchase, the lower the monthly rate will be. For example, by choosing a 36-month hosting term, you can get a great introductory rate of $3.95/month. And, because you’ve chosen to host with Bluehost, if you ever need more than a shared hosting account, Bluehost provides seamless upgrades to VPS or dedicated server hosting accounts from inside your control panel.

There are few other offers provided at sign-up, which you can include at your discretion. One we recommend is Domain Privacy, a paid service that allows personal information to be kept private on WHOIS databases.

After you’ve filled in your information and chosen your hosting package, click the “Next” button to complete your purchase. You’ll then be asked to create a password for your account. You can use the Password Generator to create a strong and secure password or create one yourself. It is required to have both capital and lowercase letters, a number, and a special character (?!#, etc.) in order to have a strong enough password to protect your account.

Now that you are all signed up and can log into your account, you can get started installing WordPress!

Installing WordPress

This may seem like the most complicated step, but Bluehost has worked hard to make this one of the easiest things for you to do by using the new MOJO Marketplace for installing WordPress and other applications. In your cPanel, scroll to the section titled “MOJO Marketplace” and choose the “One-Click Installs” button. This will take you to a page inside MOJO Marketplace called Scripts and Platforms. The blog section is at the very top, so all you have to do here is click on the WordPress icon.

This will open the installation window. Click on the green “Start” button that will start the WordPress installation process, which has a few easy steps.

Step 1: Choose where you want to install WordPress. This can be any domain on your account, or a subdomain or a folder for one of your domains. Next, click on “Check Domain,” which will make sure the domain is assigned and pointing to your account. You may get a warning that you are overwriting files, but as long as you don’t have another website built yet, you can check the box and continue. This is mostly to make sure that you really want to install it in that location. If you do have other sites built, you will want to make sure you’re not overwriting something important.

Check Your Domain

Step 2: Show Advanced Options. This section allows you to set up your own username and password for your WordPress install. IT is recommended to use a different username than “admin” and a very strong password. Make sure that the “Automatically create a new database for this installation” box is checked unless you have a database already set up that you want to use.

Step 3: After you’ve read the terms and conditions, check the box indicating that you’ve done so, then click “Install Now.”

Install WordPress

Now you’ll see the progress page, which will show you how far along the installation is. Once WordPress is fully installed, it will provide you with your site URL, the admin login URL, your username, and password. You will get a copy of this information, except your password, in your email as well. Make sure to keep it in a safe place.

WordPress Install Progress Bar

Now you can log into your WordPress site by going to the admin login URL. Enter your username and password, then click “Log In.” This will take you to your WordPress dashboard.

What’s Next?


Having concluded the purchase of domain name and Webhosting, the next thing to do is to join the affiliate program of your niche. signup and request affiliate links for the product you want to promote. You can go on either JVZOO, Warriorplus, or Bluehost to signup and start promoting products. It all depends on the niche you are into.


After getting approval to promote the product of your choice from the vendor, you need to write and post contents that will sell the product on your site. Here is what I mean. Assuming you got an affiliate link to promote a cryptocurrency trading software(bot), you need to write something related to the affiliate product, for example, you may decide to write on How to trade Bitcoin while sleeping.

But don’t forget that the reason why you wrote the content was to promote a link, so make sure that the content is related to what you are promoting so that you can bury the affiliate link in the content. But I must advise you not to be too pushy or desperate — — This can drive prospects away.


This aspect is the most important. Without driving visitors to your website, nobody will even know of its existence. There two ways to direct traffic to your website:

Organic traffic: This a traffic you get to your website either by inviting people to your website or posting your blog on your social media account. Other ways to drive organic traffic to your website is by answering questions on Quora that relate to your website. You are not paying for this, it’s free of charge. You can also do Keyword targeting by frequently using words most people search for on the internet. This can drive more traffic to your blog.

Paid traffic: As the name implies, you pay giant advertisers like Facebook, Google Twitter, and others to help you promote your blog. But it is more advisable to grow your blog organically if you are a beginner.


If you follow all these steps diligently, you can start your affiliate marketing with a website without any hassles.

All you have to do is to pick a niche, register for affiliate program of the niche you choose, choose a domain name, register the domain name on Bluehost, host your website on Bluehost, request affiliate link, start posting and drive traffic to your site.

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. This means if you click through one of my links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. This helps me to keep posting free and helpful tips for millions of people all around the world.

Abdul's Cubicle

I'm a journalist, product designer/manager and internet marketing enthusiast. I Derive joy in solving problems and helping individuals to grow.